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The Oakbridge federation consists of Forster Park Primary School and Rangefield Primary School; two schools who share the same unwavering aim - to ensure that we provide the best start in life for our students. Formed in 2013, the federation has been delivering an exciting, rounded education, which challenges and supports. Together, we give children the knowledge and resilience they need to succeed. 

Vision for Oakbridge Federation

Our Vision


Our vision for Oakbridge is a federation that is passionate about success in academic progress and life achievements. We are driven by the goal to develop our children into effective learners, who are respectful, compassionate, self-confident young people, successful in their academic progress and life achievements.


Why we have a vision:


As a federation we have created a Vision so that our School communities and wider community are clear about our future and our direction of travel. Our Vision will be embraced by all stakeholders and is collectively owned by everyone. The core values of both schools will underpin their curriculum.  Our vision sets out how we will all enable every child to achieve and become the best they possibly can.

How we will achieve it:


We will develop a curriculum around our children gaining a wealth of skills that are transferrable throughout their life in a meaningful context.  Through the skills taught, our children will become resilient, reflective, creative, problem solving individuals ensuring that they have the tools to overcome challenges that they face throughout their lives.


We strive to ensure our children know where they come from, who they are and what they strive to become.   Each child will develop the understanding of their own value as an individual and how they are able to contribute and engage in the local community and beyond, in a way in which possibly their parents felt they were unable to.


With the skills, knowledge and values that we harness, it is our intent for our children to be successful academically and prepare them for their next stages in life/education. The children of Oakbridge Federation should be able to articulate their success in every aspect of their school life and life as part of the community.


At Oakbridge Federation, the Leadership and Staff teams are continually developing, with high expectations of academic achievements and individual achievements.  We work together and share expertise, growing success and being collectively responsible for everyone in our community.  Through working collaboratively with our children, parents, staff and Governors and all stakeholders we will drive an innovative approach to teaching and learning and develop our place within the communities.



