Forster Park School Uniform
Our jumpers and cardigans are now available to purchase from Bailwood in Lewisham. If you need any further information please contact Marisha in the school office.
Forster Park school jumpers/cardigan |
Plain white shirt or polo shirt | | Available in most clothes shops |
Plain grey trousers or skirt. Plain, grey tights/socks | Available in most clothes shops | |
Plain black shoes or boots (no logos, No trainers) | | Available in any shoe shop |
Book Bags | | Available from the School Office |
PE Kit | ||
Plain white t-shirt
Plain black or navy shorts or jogging bottoms | | Available in most clothes shops |
Plain black trainers or plimsolls | | Available in any shoe shop |
No hooped earrings are to be worn to school, children are to wear studs ONLY. Children are allowed to wear a watch but no other jewellery is permitted.
Hair Bows:
If your child wears a hair bow to school, please ensure it is a reasonable size and blue or white only.
Wearing jewellery to school puts your child at risk of injury. Please help us to ensure the safety of your child.