Welcome to Reception!
Mrs Osborne, Mrs Manoharan, Mrs Dervish and Ms Smyth are teaching Reception!
We begin the year with our first topic “Trust in the magic of new beginnings!” we settle the children into their new classes with lots of games and listening activities to get the children used to the rules of the classroom and the daily timetable. We encourage the children to make friends and play together appropriately. We explore lots of books with the children and teach them how to hold a book correctly and how to make predictions about the text they are reading. We will begin teaching the children letter sounds so look out for them using their ‘Robot Arms’ to sound out words!
Our Spring topic is titled “Keep Going….. Keep Growing!” we look at how we as people grow and how much more we can do since we began in Reception. We also plant seeds and watch them grow, linking this to our Maths and Knowledge and Understanding of the World. We will look closely at non – fiction texts about growing and the natural world. We explore our wonderful garden and various areas we have for growing around the school.
Finally we move on to our topic “Jungle Fever” this is where we learn all about the animals found in the jungle! We link the topic to some popular books such as ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Rumble in the Jungle’. We explore rhythm, rhyme and poems within this topic and do lots of singing and dancing to engage the children with their learning. The children will experiment with musical instruments and perform on our very own stage! The children will now be able to blend and segment words and will begin to be writers! They will have learnt how to count to 10 and their number bonds to 10. They will have a good understanding of number and be able to subitise. We begin to transition the children in preparation for Year 1 which will involve visiting assemblies and slightly more structured elements of the day. Above all they will be happy and confident learners ready to begin their Year 1 journey by the end of the summer term.