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Local Clubs and After School Activities

Downham Boxing Club


Our Amateur boxing nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays  5pm-6pm for 6-10 years old 6:15pm-7:15pm 11-13years old and 7pm-9pm 14 years old and upwards . I would recommend the 5pm class for beginners. We also run a childrens non-contact boxing and fitness class on Monday evenings 6pm.This class is very popular and we now  have a waiting list. We are hoping to add an extra class at an earlier time on Monday evenings in the near future. Our Monday ( BOXERCISE) session is for children who may not want to take part in competitive boxing. The session covers all aspects of boxing training apart from full contact sparring. We believe the benefits of the session are:

1:Its a fun way of exercise

2:It builds self confidence

3:Teaches self discipline

4:It improves engagement and focus

5:It can appeal to the hardest to reach pupils

6:Its different to a normal P.E lesson


email richjfoster6@gmail for more information

Girls 'R' Us

Girls 'R' Us is about creating a safe space for girls to talk about topics including identity, growing up, relationships and more. With support from the excellent team of youth workers the group will be taking part in;

  • team building
  • cooking
  • creative arts
  • sport,
  • and group discussions.

The program aims to help develop the confidence of young girls as they adapt to their new lives at secondary school. Girls 'R' Us is in partnership with Lewisham Council.

Session details:

This session is for girls aged 8-13 years old. 

Saturdays, 10:45am-1:15pm at Wesley Halls, 2 Shroffold Rd, Bromley BR1 5PE.

There will be no sessions between December 17th - January 7th 2023 for the Winter Holidays 

How to register 

These sessions are FREE to attend, but please register beforehand. To register, please contact Nicola, the Manager (details below), or Shenika Thomas, the Team Leader, on 07392 191 237.

