Home learning is a vital part of every child's education. It allows children to practice and rehearse skills and knowledge gained at school and is also a valuable opportunity to share and talk about their learning with parents and carers at home.
On this page you will find information and links to the home learning opportunities at Forster Park school. In addition, there are links to useful websites used by the school, videos of teachers reading stories and sharing learning activities, ideas of other learning activities that can be used to support children at home.
Every child across the school is expected to read regularly at home to an adult - equivalent to 10 mins a day for KS1, 20 mins a day for KS2.
Children should regularly count and practice their number facts (Year 1 number bonds to ten, one more/one less, 10 more/10 less) and times tables from Year 2 and up (using Times Tables Rock Stars) - if you have any questions then please ask your child's teacher.
Each half term children are set Mission Homework, which is a collection of challenges for the children to complete during the half term across a range of subjects, bringing the learning and themes in school to fun activities at home. Below you will find the Mission Homework for the current term for each year group.
Half-Termly Mission Homework