Benefits Information and Financial Support
- Childcare Choices – Enter your details on the website to help find out how you can save money on your childcare.
- entitledto’s free benefits calculator can help you find out what you might be able to claim.
- Financial help if you have children. Includes help when having a baby or adopting, child benefit and tax credits, support for childcare.
- Lewisham Council are supporting households as well as signposting people to other support you could be eligible for. Visit their Cost of living crisis webpage.
- Apply for free school meals and extra support for your child for Lewisham Council.
- The South London Healthy Homes programme provides a free winter home, financial and health support package to those most in need.
- Lewisham Local have created this helpful leaflet for those who might be worried about money, which will signpost you to useful services available.
- Find information about on the Mayor of London’s website on benefits, grants and discounts you can get if you’re in financial difficulty.
Help with Energy Bills and reducing Household costs
Support with Food Costs
- Sydenham Community Supermarket offers low cost, healthy groceries on your doorstep.
- Pepys Social Supermarket. If you qualify for £3.50PW you can buy approximately £25 worth of food, end of line toiletries and household essentials.
- Lewisham Food Bank, if you need help from Lewisham foodbank there are a few simple steps to follow.
- OLIO is a free app allowing neighbours to offer perfectly good, unwanted food to each other.
- Too Good to Go is an app that lets you rescue unsold food from
shops and restaurants to save it from going to waste. - Enjoy company and conversation with others from your local area over a delicious meal, prepared with care by FoodCycle volunteers. Find out more here
- Over 1600 eligible families in Lewisham are missing out on payments to buy vegetables, fruit, legume/lentils/beans and milk. For more info on and how to apply visit the healthy start.